- The History Bonkers “Warriors through time and stuff for their wives” pop up stall will be at the following events.
13 April: Sheringham Viking Festival. Norfolk. https://experiencesheringham.com/sheringham-viking-festival/
11th and 12 May: Temple at war. Essex . https://templeatwar.co.uk/
18th and 19th May: Steam and vintage. Suffolk. https://www.stonhambarns.co.uk/whats-on/steam-vintage-show/
1st and 2nd June. Colchester Roman and Medieval festival. https://www.historic-events.com/
15th and 16th June: Wartime in the Vale. Worcestershire. https://ashdowncamp.com/events
22 and 23 June Battle of the Broads. Norfolk. https://www.facebook.com/events/2616442411845392/?ref=newsfeed
27th and 28th July: Suffolk millitary show. Suffolk: https://suffolkmilitaryshow.co.uk/
2nd 3rd and 4th August: Legends Comicon. Suffolk. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1568452453635942/
10th and 11th August: Echoes Through History. Essex. https://www.echoesofhistoryshow.com/
24th to 26th August 2024: Military Odyssey. Kent Event Centre, Kent. https://militaryodyssey.com/
31st August and 1st September : Ancient Oak Fayre. Cambridgeshire. https://ancientoak.uk/
7th and 8th September: Viking Festival. Suffolk. TBC !
28th and 29th September. Battle Through History. Sussex. https://battlesthroughhistory.co.uk/
Other dates to be arranged.